Docker Essentials
Docker Essentials
Tk. 6,000

Who Can Join This Course?
Basic programming and operating system knowledge
Course Outline
Docker Overview
- What is Docker
- Why we need it
- Applications of Docker
Getting Started with Docker and Setup and Install Docker
- Install tools for development
- Configuration
- Consideration & good practices
Our First Docker Container: Hello World
- Understand Docker architecture
- Understand container, Dockerfile
- Create first Dockerfile
- Create your first container
- Learn basic commands
Docker Images and Docker Registry
- Understand docker image
- Understand docker registry structure
- Learn about various docker commands
Exploring a Docker Container and Managing Docker Containers
- More on docker container and container management
- Learn additional docker commands
Understanding “Dockerfile” File
- Understand Dockerfile structure in depth
- Learn about various Dockerfile syntax
- Learn good practices for writing Dockerfile
Understanding Docker Compose
- What is Docker Compose
- Why we use it
- Structure of a compose file
- Examples of compose file
Docker Engine and Docker Storage
- Learn about docker engine
- Learn about docker storage
- View examples through practical use
Docker Networking and Running a Web App in Docker
- Learn how to deploy your web application in docker
- Good practices and use cases
- Learn docker networking concepts
Docker Namespaces
- What is docker namespaces
- Why we use it
Uploading Docker Images to Docker Hub
- What is docker hub
- How to use docker hub
- Store image in docker hub
- Pull image from docker hub
Docker Automation Orchestration and Docker Swarm
- What is docker swarm
- Why we need automation
- What are the options for orchestration
- Practical example of orchestration
Introduction to YAML
- Learn YAML basics
- Use YAML in docker compose
- Learn essential YAML syntax

Over 14 years of field-level and job experience in Systems Administration, DevOps, and Cloud Computing. Also certified AWS Solution Architect Associate, Certified Kubernetes Administer, Certified DevOps Generalist, Certified Azure Administrator Associate
What Students Said
The course is designed for docker beginners. The course helps me to understand the operational activities. It gives the guideline, how to enter into the DevOps area. The trainer is sound and he explains in detail which is understandable for us. I am eager to know the extended course of this topic.

Docker Essentials Batch: 1
Thank's Devskill and Khalid Bin Sattar Sir for arranging Docker Essentials course. This is a startup course for Application Life-cycle Management and Source Control. I learnd Basic Docker Commands, docker-compose.yml(automate the docker containers), swarm and yml. Our Trainer and Teaching method were clear and fluent. I hope it will help beginners for start their DevOps carrier.

Docker Essentials Batch: 1
আলাহামদুলিল্লাহ আমি এই কোর্স থেকে আমার যতটুকু দরকার ততটুকু খুব ভালো ভাবেই নিতে পেরেছি, তবে বলে রাখা ভালো এই কোর্স টা করার আগে আপনাকে অবশ্যই লিনাক্স সম্পর্কে খুব ভালো ধারনা থাকতে হবে, তা না হলে অনেক কিছুই ভালোভাবে বুঝতে পারবে না। একেবারে যারা নতুন তাদের জন্য কোর্স টা খুবই উপযোগী।

Docker Essentials Batch: 1
I have just enrolled to this course. Hope something exciting is waiting. I know learning by R&D is possible but it is hard for professionals. So I am hoping will gather quality knowledge from here. Thank you DevSkill for such kind of course.

Docker Essentials Batch: 1