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পলিটেকনিক ইন্ডাস্ট্রিয়াল এটাচমেন্ট (PHP)
Our internship program helps students to develop their skills in the application of theory to practical knowledge. It helps to develop the skills and techniques which are directly relevant to their desired goals. This also increases students' responsibility and good work habits.

Who Can Join This Course?

Polytechnic students who are eligible for industrial attachment. You also need to bring your personal laptop.

Course Outline

1. Getting Started

● Rules.
● Introduction to software development career.
● Introduction to top tracker.
● Introduction to Visual Studio Code.
● Creating first php code.
● Version controlling using git.

2. Working with basics of PHP

● Variables.
● Functions.
● Array, Multidimensional Array.
● Input / Output processing.

3. Statements & Operations

● Conditional Statements.
● Important Operators.
● Loops.

4. Working With Class

● Class.
● Field.
● Access Modifiers.
● Constructors.
● Inheritance in PHP.

5. Working More Classes

● Static Class.
● Abstract Class.
● Interface.

6. Operations With Text

● Important String methods.
● String formatting.

7. Files in PHP

● Read and Write operation in Files.
● Important file functions.
● Working with Directory.
● Exception Handling.

8. Introduction to Database

● Database design.
● SQL Operation.
● Join, Relationship.
● Constraints.

9. Laravel Fundamentals in Depth

● Stallation of a project.
● Architecture Concepts and Structure.
● Routing.
● Controller.
● View, Layouting
● Blade Template.
● File Upload.
● Using Session.
● Server-side Datatable.
● Using CKEditor.

10. Database Operation with Laravel in Depth

● Migration, Seeding.
● Eloquent.
● One to One, One to Many, Many to Many relationship.
● Polymorphic Relationships.
● Accessor, Mutators & Casting.
● Query Builder.

11. Implement Authentication & Authorization

● Configure Registration.
● Configure Login.

12. Implement a Blog

● Create blog post list.
● Create blog detail.
● Create blog comment.
● Create admin approval system for comments
● Create blog post creation and management in admin

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Akter Nashid Rajin

Currently working as a Software Engineer at Dev Skill

LinkedIn Profile

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